dynamic linking from libraries

Ranjan Bagchi bagchi at eecs.umich.edu
Mon Dec 31 06:17:13 AEST 1990

	I'm screwing around with extensions to a language, and am
trying to incorporate a robust "escape to C" feature.  It seems to me,
that the best way to do this short of linking in ALL the C library
calls (gack) is to have the program access the various lib*.a files,
and at run time extract the needed function, and then call it.  
	Problem - I have no idea how to do this short of some really
cheesy system() calls which would produce a temporary executable.
	I have been told that with SunOS (which I'm using),  there is
a better way.
	I'd appreciate advice, source code, anything...
Ranjan Bagchi - At Large.  Well Kinda.  |  what kind of person
bagchi@[eecs                            |  would like to count syllables
        caen,                           |  just to write haiku?
	math.lsa].umich.edu     	|  

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