File pointer to a memory location?

Steve Watt steve at wattres.UUCP
Tue Sep 11 15:22:33 AEST 1990

In article <119609 at> rtidd at (Randy Tidd) writes:
>With all these new comp.unix.* groups coming out, I hope it's
>appropriate to cross-post to .programmer and .internals...

I'm not actually sure which is right, either.  .programmer is probably closer.

>Anyhow, in the application i'm working on I have a series of routines
>that were written by someone else that do image processing (the fbm
[ slurp! ]

[ he doesn't have a file, but just a large block of RAM ]

>Can anyone help me out?

I just hacked this little piece of code together, you might find it amenable
to your application:  Just set f._cnt to the size of the image block.

NOTE:  This is terribly dependent on stdio being implemented in the
"standard unix" way...  Or at least how it looks on my SCO box and my

-----  ugh.c  -----
#include <stdio.h>

char *buf = "This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.  In the event\
of a real emergency, you would never have heard this signal.  Seriously.\n";

main() {
	FILE f;
	int c;

	f._cnt = strlen(buf);
	f._ptr = f._base = buf;
	f._flag = _IOEOF;
	f._file = 0;

	while ((c = getc(&f)) != EOF) {

-----  end  -----

Note also that you could just as easily have passed &f to some other function.
Steve Watt
...!claris!wattres!steve		wattres!steve at also works
Don't let your schooling get in the way of your education.

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