How to measure cpu time to ~ 1 millisecond?

Anthony Thyssen thyssen at
Sat Sep 29 15:44:27 AEST 1990

rfinch at (Ralph Finch) writes:
>Setup:  Sun 4/330, SunOS 4.1

>We need to measure cpu time in a program down to about a 1 millisecond
>resolution.  The clock call says it can only measure to 16.7 ms.  Any
>other ideas on how cpu time can be measured?

   I was recently faced with the same problem. The Answer
There is not ^*%&^%$^%$ way!

My solution to this problem was to recomplie the program on a Amiga500
and time the part I wanted using the hardware CIA timers (1.3us per tick)

I was also informed another person in the same boat did his timing on
a Mac.

  Anthony Thyssen - (Dragon Computing!)         thyssen at
                   I really hate this damm machine,
                    I wish that they would sell it.
                     It never does quite what I want,
                      Only what I tell it.

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