Distinquishing escape key from arrow and function keys

Brain in Neutral bin at primate.wisc.edu
Thu Apr 11 03:44:24 AEST 1991

I have a program where the escape key is significant, but I also
want to be able to use the arrow and functions keys (which typically also
begin with escape).  I would be interested in how any of you solve this

My solution (if you can call it that): when an escape character is seen,
keep reading until
	(i) characters read entirely match some special key.  return some
		value (I use values >= 0200) to indicate such.
	(ii) characters read fail to match any special key character sequence.
		return escape to caller and save any other characters read
		to a pushback queue.
	(iii) timeout after brief wait and neither (i) nor (ii) obtain.
		return escape to caller and save any other characters read
		to a pushback queue.

On a BSD system, select() does the timeout nicely.  I'm not so familiar
with System V.  Do you use the MIN and TIME special control character
values in the termio.c_cc[] array?  What about under POSIX?

Paul DuBois                               "The 'C' shell usually doesn't
dubois at primate.wisc.edu                   have job control." -- LAN TIMES

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