Is this POSIX compliant?

Stephen R. van den Berg berg at
Tue Jun 11 02:09:10 AEST 1991

Could someone knowledgable please tell me if the following include files,
the mentioned identifiers and the include files they are 'allocated' to are
all conform the POSIX standard?  (I dont't have any POSIX literature,
so all the data I present here are educated guesses).

				/* open() read() write() close() dup() pipe()
				   fork() getpid() execve() execvp() */
#include <stdio.h>		/* sscanf() setbuf() fclose() stdin stdout
				   stderr fopen() fread() fwrite() fgetc()
				   getchar() FILE */
#include <stddef.h>		/* EOF */
#include <stdlib.h>		/* getenv() memmove() malloc() realloc()
				   free() strtol() size_t */
#include <time.h>		/* time() ctime() time_t */
#include <fcntl.h>		/* O_RDONLY O_WRONLY O_APPEND O_SYNC */
#include <pwd.h>		/* setpwent() getpwuid() endpwent() */
#include <sys/wait.h>		/* wait() */
#include <sys/utsname.h>	/* uname() utsname */
#include <sys/types.h>		/* pid_t mode_t struct stat */
#include <sys/stat.h>		/* stat() S_ISDIR() */
#include <signal.h>		/* signal() kill() */
#include <string.h>		/* strcpy() strncpy() strcat() strlen()
				   strspn() strcspn() strchr() strcmp()
				   strncmp() strpbrk() strstr() */
#include <errno.h>		/* EINTR EEXIST EMFILE ENFILE */
Sincerely,                                berg at
           Stephen R. van den Berg.       berg at

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