Serial device Driver

Andreas Greg Andreou ins_aaga at jhunix.UUCP
Wed Dec 10 14:01:50 AEST 1986

I am posting this for a friend who has some problem interfacing
a peripheeral device to a unix system through the serial port.
The computer is a pdp11/34 and runs bsd2.9 unix.
The serial card is a KL/DL11-E which has full modem control including
CTS (Clear To Send). 

I would appreciate any information in the form of either a device
driver or any usefull hints of things to check so that the serial
card will do the handshaking properly.

Please send your response through e-mail to:

ins_aaga at jhunix   : UUCP
cad at	: ARPA

Thanks in advance

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