quoting $ in the Csh

Doug Schmidt schmidt at siam.ics.uci.edu
Wed Dec 14 08:30:07 AEST 1988

I'd like to thank everyone who responded to my question about quoting
'$' in the csh.  The following is a brief summary of all the
different, valid responses from various folks ( the original problem
was to create an alias that would replace all blank lines from a file
with *no* blank lines ).

alias sqz "grep -v '^[ ^I]*"\$\'
alias sqz grep -v \'^\[\ \^I\]\*\$\'
alias sqz "grep -v '^[ ^I]*"\$"'"
alias sqz "grep -v '"'^[ ^I]*$'"'"
alias sqz 'grep -v \'^[ ^I]*$\''
alias sqz "grep -v '^[ ^I]*"'$'"'"
alias sqz 'grep -v '\''^[ ^I]*$'\'
set d='$'
alias sqz "grep -v '^[ ^I]*$d' \!*"

Rather diverse approaches, eh? ;-)

thanks again.

Doug Schmidt
schmidt at ics.uci.edu (ARPA) |   Per me si va nella citta' dolente.
                           |   Per me si va nell'eterno dolore.
                           |   Per me si va tra la perduta gente.
                           |   Lasciate ogni speranza o voi ch'entrate.

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