Does anyone still use Multics??

Usenet file owner usenet at cps3xx.UUCP
Tue Dec 6 00:15:07 AEST 1988

in article <6392 at polyslo.CalPoly.EDU>, steve at polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Steve DeJarnett) says:
$ 	With the recent discussions about old GE systems and where GECOS came 
$ from, I started to wonder if anyone still used Multics on any systems.  Are
$ there any sites out there that run Multics?? 

Some Honeywell-Bull systems still run Multics or GCOS. Where they are I
don't know for sure, but my last job was working on Honeywell terminal
emulators and I know some of our customers were using them.

John H. Lawitzke      UUCP: ...rutgers!mailrus!frith!fciiho!jhl
Michigan Farm Bureau        ...decvax!purdue!mailrus!frith!fciiho!jhl
Insurance Group             ...uunet!frith!jhl
"What?!? Real computing at an insurance company?!? AND in Michigan!?!"

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