Hayes modem for 3B2

Randy Suess randy at chinet.UUCP
Sun Feb 28 01:42:49 AEST 1988

In article <2930 at chinet.UUCP> randy at chinet.UUCP (me) writes:
>	Could you tell me how you get the Hayes modem to work
>	properly on a 3b2 with r2 software in bidirectional mode
>	when the 3b2 requires CD to be hi all the time to dial
>	out, but the 3b2 wants CD to follow carrier for proper
>	termination when a login goes away.  Don't see how any
>	amount of modem setup will fix this.

	In a following article, Stephen Friedl explains how
	r 3.1 fixes this problem for a 3b2.  Guess it is time
	to upgrade...
	Thanks, Stephen!
that's the biz, sweetheart.....
Randy Suess

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