NO SPACE Error message

Charles Wolff charles at dragon.UUCP
Tue Feb 23 08:00:15 AEST 1988

In article <1733 at rtech.UUCP> russ at llama.UUCP (Russ Spence) writes:
>In article <225 at mccc.UUCP> pjh at mccc.UUCP (Peter J. Holsberg) writes:
>>Last night in lab, I had about 12 users compiling small C programs --
>>maybe 30 lines each --, and I started to get "no space on disk 0
>	/tmp is used by the compiler to store temporary files.  When
>	compiling a very large file (or many small files) you run out
>	of space on / because of the amount of space used in /tmp for
>	C compilations.  You should probably increase the size of
>	/ (or move /tmp to another file system, or its own file system).

A simpler solution may be to have your users set the $TMPDIR environment
variable in their .profiles - at least on our machine, "cc" recognizes
this env var and puts your temporary files in the directory you specify.
If /tmp is overloaded, you can put temp files in /usr/tmp, /usr2/dogstuff,
or whereever there is space... check the manual for your system to see
if there's a similar env var you can use...

Thus the unfacts, did we possess them, are too|  Charles Wolff
imprecisely few to warrant our certitude...   |  Motorola Microsystems
       -James Joyce, Finnegan's Wake          |  Tempe, AZ   (602) 438-3432

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