cgrep (context-grep)

Fuat C. Baran fuat at
Sat Jul 16 03:17:48 AEST 1988

In article <7464 at elroy.Jpl.Nasa.Gov> alan at jane.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Alan S. Mazer) writes:
>In article <2985 at>, arensb at (Andrew Arensburger) writes:
>> I'm thinking of writing a utility called cgrep, which works just like grep
>You and everyone else.  I've got one in C which is very similar to egrep, but
>with one additional display-context option.  You can select how many lines above
>and below you want, and it uses egrep alone when it can.  You're welcome to it.
>	-- Alan		..!cit-vax!elroy!alan		* "But seriously, what
>			elroy!alan at	   could go wrong?"

On our system we have a cgrep which seems to do what you want.  I took
a look at the sources.  It carries the following notice:

**   Cgrep - a program to extract context from text files.
**	by David J. Iannucci @@ Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia
**						  iannucci@@sjuvax.UUCP
**			Copyright (c) 1986
**	You may do anything you like with this program except:
**		1.  Use it to direct commercial advantage.
**		2.  Take credit for any code I have written.

I don't where we got this from (maybe one of the source groups?).


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