Textedit wars (was vi vs emacs in a student environment)

Mitchell Wyle wyle at solaris.UUCP
Mon Jul 4 01:59:57 AEST 1988

Textedit on Sun OS 4.0 will also include the other key features it
currently lacks (global search & replace, better macros, etc.). When we
move up to Sun OS 4.0  I shall probably leave the editor I love and use
and migrate to Textedit.

Please E-MAIL me YOUR reasons for YOUR religious hatred of vi.  I
prefer vi to emacs for 11 strong reasons.  I may post if such a
message can get lost in the "new editor wars" usenet bandwidth :-).

-Mitchell F. Wyle            wyle at ethz.uucp
Institut fuer Informatik     wyle%ifi.ethz.ch at relay.cs.net
ETH Zentrum                  
8092 Zuerich, Switzerland    +41 1 256-5237

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