Splinter Unix?

The Mad Merkin Hunter jlh at loral.UUCP
Thu Jun 9 05:51:31 AEST 1988

In article <581 at drilex.UUCP> dricej at drilex.UUCP (Craig Jackson) writes:
>In article <10892 at steinmetz.ge.com> davidsen at crdos1.UUCP (bill davidsen) writes:
>>a) creation of a 4th standard (3rd if they follow posix) shows that
>>   someone values the stockholders over the users.
>Companies who do not value their stockholders over their customers soon have
>no stockholders.  The only real reason you even want customers is so that they
>will make money for the stockholders.
I hate to say this, but in my opinion it's because of reasoning like this
that this country is going to hell and large market share is going to the
Japanese.  I mean, I'm sitting here on a $4000 PC tied into a god-knows-
how-much VAX that is in itself part of a networked system of 2 vaxes,
2 primes, lots of suns, and assorted printers, disk drives, etc.  Why
doesn't management sell this stuff and buy us pampered programmers pencils
and paper?  Hell, return on investment for that quarter would skyrocket,
our beloved sharholders could then sell their stock for a tidy profit.
If they are paying attention they could even sell stock short in anticipation
of the crash 6 months down the road due to lost productivity.

Granted, this is an extreme.  But what do you call buying a company with
junk bonds, then selling off the pieces to recover the debt?  How about
management going heavily into debt for no other reason than to make the
company unattractive to takeover moguls?  And what the hell does this
have to do with comp.unix.wizards??


Jim Harkins 
Loral Instrumentation, San Diego
{ucbvax, ittvax!dcdwest, akgua, decvax, ihnp4}!ucsd!sdcc6!loral!jlh

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