Questions without answers

Root Boy Jim rbj at
Thu Jun 9 07:06:21 AEST 1988

   From: Troutfishing in America <gph at>

      I think it would be of great help to have:  

	 1.  comp.unix.questions moderated and all repetitive replies
	     edited out     or

	 2.  a new group called comp.unix.novice that is anything goes
	     for novice users to ask the same silly (or not so silly) 
	     questions over and over again, and other novices can answer.

What I object to is unix-wizard class questions being asked in info-unix.
The moderator would redirect these to unix-wizards and I wouldn't have to
keep reading this newsgroup (and you wouldn't have to listen to my replys).

	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell	<rbj at>
	National Bureau of Standards
	Flamer's Hotline: (301) 975-5688
	The opinions expressed are solely my own
	and do not reflect NBS policy or agreement
	My name is in /usr/dict/words. Is yours?

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