UUCP is simple to implement

terry terry at wsccs.UUCP
Fri Mar 18 13:39:02 AEST 1988

In article <301 at alice.marlow.reuters.co.uk>, fox at alice.marlow.reuters.co.uk (Paul Fox) writes:
} In article <658 at aimt.UUCP> bill at aimt.UUCP (Bill Dana) writes:
} >
} >I have been requested (by my boss) to publish a checklist
} >that exlpains this procedure so that anybody in the company
} >(he used a SALESPERSON as an example)  could do this themself.
} >
} As well as describing how to do this, I think the most important thing
} to do is to explain common problems, and symptoms. Eg, using the -xN 
} switches to check the conversation with the remote host.
} Also, some explanation about /usr/spool/uucp/LOGFILE would be in order.

	Try the nutshell handbooks.... One's called 'Using UUCP and USENET',
and one's called 'Managing UUCP and USENET'.  Both are very fine publications.
They are by Tim O'Reilly and associates.  If anybody wants me to dig, I can
get a UUCP address and a real-word phone #.

| Terry Lambert           UUCP: ...{ decvax, ihnp4 }                          |
| @ Century Software          : ...utah-cs!uplherc!sp7040!obie!wsccs!terry    |
| SLC, Utah                                                                   |
|                   These opinions are not my companies, but if you find them |
|                   useful, send a $20.00 donation to Brisbane Australia...   |
| 'There are monkey boys in the facility.  Do not be alarmed; you are secure' |

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