Rick Adams rick at seismo.CSS.GOV
Thu Mar 17 06:12:39 AEST 1988

Unfortunately, "runnning HDB" doesn't mean anything any more.
There are at least 3 variants of HDB that I know of. Only one
of them has the support for grades in it (the latest one).

I "think" the absolute latest one that comes as part of System V.3.N
supports grades. The earlier versions don't. I think most
of the ones shipping for xenix do not support grades, nor does
the version you can get from the toolchest.

It is important to note that there are several versions around.
Just because you have a Systems file instead of an L.sys doesn't
mean you are running the most recent version of HDB. Its time to
start labling the HDB variants just like we already label the 
"uucp" variants. (e.g. 4.3BSD uucp, microport HDB, etc)

(Vendors: if you plan to ship HDB, PLEASE get the latest source
directly from Honeyman. It fixes bugs that are NOT fixed on the
version ATT is selling.)


Maxim 1: Unix is what is running on Dennis Ritchies machine
Maxim 2: HDB is what is running on Peter Honeymans machine!

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