A csh question ...

Michel Behna rgsmeb at abcom.ATT.COM
Tue May 24 00:37:29 AEST 1988

>From article <636 at fxgrp.UUCP>, by ljz at fxgrp.UUCP (Lloyd Zusman):
> A question concerning csh:
> Can anyone explain why .login gets sourced *after* .cshrc?  I am constantly

Excuse me for asking a stupid question, but why don't you move the code from 
one to the other? Would that solve yopur problem?
Michel Behna	 rgsmeb at abcom.att.com	 |  ihnp4!{ncsc1,codas}!abcom!rgsmeb
" It is all right for man to make love, and it is all right for man to make
war, but he shouldn't try to do both at the same time."

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