Splinter Unix?

Chuck Karish karish at denali.stanford.edu
Mon May 23 02:05:07 AEST 1988

In article <1938 at ssc-vax.UUCP> benoni at ssc-vax.UUCP (Charles L Ditzel) writes:
>What does the Open Software Foundation have to offer...no NeWS, i didn't see
>NFS or RFS on their list, all they had was DECwindows, NCS, X11 ... not a wit
>about Sun/AT&T stuff ....

If they start with what IBM has in AIX now, or is currently adding to it,
they'll have NFS, Distributed Services (IBM's file sharing system), and
many extensions picked up from BSD Unix.  In terms of features, next
year's AIX probably won't differ all that much from System V.4.

Performance?  Compatibility?  We'll have to wait and see, won't we?
On both sides; we don't know how Sun will integrate Berkeley features
into the one true UNIX.

Chuck Karish	ARPA:	karish at denali.stanford.edu
		BITNET:	karish%denali at forsythe.stanford.edu
		UUCP:	{decvax,hplabs!hpda}!mindcrf!karish
		USPS:	1825 California St. #5   Mountain View, CA 94041

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