Splinter Unix?

David Harrison harrison at utfyzx.uucp
Fri May 27 23:43:22 AEST 1988

Here is a comment which I haven't seen in the discussion of OSF.
According to my Hewlett-Packard sales rep, HP was the driving force
behind its formation and approached the others about putting this 
organisation together.  Their concerns were:
  1.  The time-to-market lag staying with AT&T for all companies
      where "the Sun don't shine".
  2.  The silly SysV.3 licence.
The company apparently agonised over the V.3 licence in particular
before deciding to establish OSF.

Since HP has made a huge committment to UNIX and open standards in
general (as opposed to some other members of the group)  their
motives are probably not trying to kill UNIX in favour of their
own proprietary OS.  Whether the effect of OSF is otherwise or
not, time will tell.  I view the presence of the Europeans as a
positive sign.

And yes, I am very aware that my source is an HP *SALES* rep.
David Harrison           | UUCP: {utzoo,ihnp4}!utgpu!utfyzx!harrison |
Department of Physics    | BITNET: HARRISON at UTORPHYS                 |
University of Toronto    ---------------------------------------------

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