SVR3 passwd changes mode of passwd file

Robert C. White Jr. rwhite at nusdhub.UUCP
Fri Sep 23 14:12:16 AEST 1988

in article <588 at attdso.ATT.COM>, tim at attdso.ATT.COM (Tim J Ihde) says:
> Your system is just the way it is supposed to be as of SVR3.  Eventually
> the actual encoded password may get moved to another (non-readable) file,
> but this is not currently the case.  Wait for R4.

In SVR3.2.1 (which I just got) you get a file called /etc/shadow which
contains all the password information, and a maintence program to do
all the mucking about with password you would like.  You also get
password aging by days instead of weeks.

And you should SEE what they did to lp (et. al.) They have forms,
transformation filters (automatic), print wheel/font cartredge
support, most standard options, allow/deny users to printers forms and
filters, automatic printer selection by all of the above, and terminfo
definitions for printers (including GRAPHICS and microspacing).  They
did, however, mess up one thing REAL BAD!  Only lp or root can mount

AT&T and I are having a little talk about the bad part, so we will


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