Directory searching utility

Jan B. Andersen jba at
Thu Aug 10 09:12:40 AEST 1989

ahmad at icsib6.Berkeley.EDU (Subutai Ahmad) writes:

># lsd:  search the current directory and all its subdirectories
>#       for files which match the arguments.


>Subutai Ahmad

Nice script- he just forgot to tell who wrote it :-(
Jan B. Andersen, Datalogi 19.1     .---------------------------.       /^^^\
Roskilde Universitetscenter       ( "SIMULA does it with CLASS" )     { o_o }
Postbox 260,                       `---------------------------'  <--- \ o /
DK-4000  Roskilde (Denmark)       IfUmust: +45 46 75 77 11            -mm--mm-

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