Vi Reference - patch 3 (follows patch 1)

Maarten Litmaath maart at
Thu Aug 24 06:11:32 AEST 1989

(Patch 2 was `internal'.)
To Eamonn: I can't reach you or what?!  Could you send me a UUCP bang path?

: This is a shar archive.  Extract with sh, not csh.
: This archive ends with exit, so do not worry about trailing junk.
: --------------------------- cut here --------------------------
echo Extracting 'vi.ref.diff'
sed 's/^X//' > 'vi.ref.diff' << '+ END-OF-FILE ''vi.ref.diff'
X*** vi.ref	Wed Aug  2 19:06:32 1989
X---	Wed Aug 23 19:44:51 1989
X*** 2,7 ****
X--- 2,12 ----
X  /                         VI REFERENCE (by maart at             /
X  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
X+ Warning: some vi versions don't support the more esoteric features described
X+ in this document.
X+ You can edit/redistribute this document freely, as long as you don't make false
X+ claims on original authorship.
X  default values		: 1
X  ^X			: <ctrl>x
X  [*] 			: * is optional
X*** 11,17 ****
X  <lf>			: linefeed
X  <ht>			: horizontal tab
X  <esc>			: escape
X! <del>			: delete
X  <a-z>			: an element in the range
X  N			: number (* = allowed, - = not used)
X  CHAR			: char unequal to <ht>|<sp>
X--- 16,24 ----
X  <lf>			: linefeed
X  <ht>			: horizontal tab
X  <esc>			: escape
X! <erase>			: your erase character
X! <kill>			: your kill character
X! <intr>			: your interrupt character
X  <a-z>			: an element in the range
X  N			: number (* = allowed, - = not used)
X  CHAR			: char unequal to <ht>|<sp>
X*** 75,81 ****
X  ^]			| search in the tags file where the function under the
X  		  	| cursor is defined (file, line) and go to it
X! :[x,y]g/<string>/<cmd>	| search globally [from line x to y] after <string>
X  			| and execute the "ex" <cmd> on each occurrence
X  ///////////////////
X--- 82,88 ----
X  ^]			| search in the tags file where the function under the
X  		  	| cursor is defined (file, line) and go to it
X! :[x,y]g/<string>/<cmd>	| search globally [from line x to y] for <string>
X  			| and execute the "ex" <cmd> on each occurrence
X  ///////////////////
X*** 134,142 ****
X   * | <<			| shift <*> lines one shiftwidth to the left
X   * | .			| repeat latest command <*> times
X! /////////////////////////////////
X! / changing text (end with <esc> /
X! /////////////////////////////////
X   * | r<char>		| replace <*> chars by <char> - no <esc>
X   * | R			| overwrite the rest of the line, append <*> - 1 times
X--- 141,149 ----
X   * | <<			| shift <*> lines one shiftwidth to the left
X   * | .			| repeat latest command <*> times
X! //////////////////////////////////
X! / changing text (end with <esc>) /
X! //////////////////////////////////
X   * | r<char>		| replace <*> chars by <char> - no <esc>
X   * | R			| overwrite the rest of the line, append <*> - 1 times
X*** 154,159 ****
X--- 161,182 ----
X   - | &			| repeat latest "ex" substitute command, e.g.
X  			| ":s/wrong/good"
X+ Substitute replacement patterns.
X+ The basic metacharacters for the replacement pattern are `&' and `~'; these
X+ are given as `\&' and `\~' when nomagic is set.  Each instance of `&' is
X+ replaced by the characters which the regular expression matched.  The meta-
X+ character `~' stands, in the replacement pattern, for the defining text of
X+ the previous replacement pattern.
X+ Other metasequences possible in the replacement pattern are always introduced
X+ by the escaping character `\'.  The sequence `\n' (with `n' in [1-9]) is
X+ replaced by the text matched by the n-th regular subexpression enclosed between
X+ `\(' and `\)'.  The sequences `\u' and `\l' cause the immediately following
X+ character in the replacement to be converted to upper- or lower-case
X+ respectively if this character is a letter.  The sequences `\U' and `\L' turn
X+ such conversion on, either until `\E' or `\e' is encountered, or until the end
X+ of the replacement pattern.
X  //////////////////////////////
X  / remembering text (yanking) /
X  //////////////////////////////
X*** 181,197 ****
X  			| (there must be no other chars on the line)
X  ^^D			| idem, except that it is restored on the next line
X  ^T			| one shiftwidth to the right
X! ^H			| one char back
X  ^W			| one word back
X! ^U			| back to the begin of the change on the current line
X! 			| (generally your kill char)
X! <del>			| like <esc>
X  /////////////////////////////////////////////////
X  / writing, editing other files, and quitting vi /
X  /////////////////////////////////////////////////
X! :q			| quit vi after writing
X  :q!			| quit vi without writing
X  :w      		| write the file
X  :w <name>		| write to the file <name>
X--- 204,219 ----
X  			| (there must be no other chars on the line)
X  ^^D			| idem, except that it is restored on the next line
X  ^T			| one shiftwidth to the right
X! ^H | <erase>		| one char back
X  ^W			| one word back
X! <kill>			| back to the begin of the change on the current line
X! <intr>			| like <esc>
X  /////////////////////////////////////////////////
X  / writing, editing other files, and quitting vi /
X  /////////////////////////////////////////////////
X! :q			| quit vi, unless the buffer has been changed
X  :q!			| quit vi without writing
X  :w      		| write the file
X  :w <name>		| write to the file <name>
X*** 227,234 ****
X  ^L			| refresh the screen (sometimes "^P" or "^R")
X  ^R			| sometimes vi replaces a deleted line by a '@', to be
X  			| deleted by "^R" (also with option 'noredraw')
X! [*]^E			| scroll <*> lines downward
X! [*]^Y			| scroll <*> lines upward
X  [*]^D			| scroll <*> lines downward
X  			| (default the number of the previous scroll;
X  			| initialization: half a page)
X--- 249,258 ----
X  ^L			| refresh the screen (sometimes "^P" or "^R")
X  ^R			| sometimes vi replaces a deleted line by a '@', to be
X  			| deleted by "^R" (also with option 'noredraw')
X! [*]^E			| expose <*> more lines at bottom, cursor stays put
X! 			| (if possible)
X! [*]^Y			| expose <*> more lines at top, cursor stays put
X! 			| (if possible)
X  [*]^D			| scroll <*> lines downward
X  			| (default the number of the previous scroll;
X  			| initialization: half a page)
X*** 297,303 ****
X  / switch and shell commands /
X  /////////////////////////////
X! Q | <del><del>		| switch from vi to "ex"
X  :			| an "ex" command can be given
X  :vi			| switch from "ex" to vi
X  :sh			| execute a subshell, back to vi by ^D
X--- 321,327 ----
X  / switch and shell commands /
X  /////////////////////////////
X! Q | ^\ | <intr><intr>	| switch from vi to "ex"
X  :			| an "ex" command can be given
X  :vi			| switch from "ex" to vi
X  :sh			| execute a subshell, back to vi by ^D
X*** 345,355 ****
X  vi +x file		: the cursor will immediately jump to line x
X  vi +/<string> file	: ~ to the first occurrence of <string>
X  Sometimes (e.g. if the system crashed while you were editing) it is possible
X  to recover files lost in the editor by "vi -r file".
X! If you just want to view a file by using vi, and you want to avoid any change,
X! instead of vi you can use the "view" command: the option 'readonly' will be set
X! automatically (with ":w!" you can override this option).
X  The most important options are:
X  ai			| autoindent - in append mode after a <cr> the cursor
X--- 369,385 ----
X  vi +x file		: the cursor will immediately jump to line x
X  vi +/<string> file	: ~ to the first occurrence of <string>
X+ You can start at a particular tag with:
X+ vi -t <tag>		: starts in the right file in the right place
X  Sometimes (e.g. if the system crashed while you were editing) it is possible
X  to recover files lost in the editor by "vi -r file".
X! If you just want to view a file by using vi, and you want to avoid any
X! change, instead of vi you can use the "view" or "vi -R" command: the option
X! 'readonly' will be set automatically (with ":w!" you can override this
X! option).
X  The most important options are:
X  ai			| autoindent - in append mode after a <cr> the cursor
X*** 394,399 ****
X--- 424,433 ----
X  			| furthermore completely empty lines and section
X  			| boundaries are paragraph boundaries too.
X  redraw			| the screen remains up to date
X+ remap			| if on (default), macros are repeatedly expanded until
X+ 			| they are unchanged.  Example: if 'o' is mapped to
X+ 			| 'O', and 'O' is mapped to 'I', then 'o' will map to
X+ 			| 'I' if "remap" is set, else it will map to 'O'.
X  report=<*>		| vi reports whenever e.g. a delete
X  			| or yank command affects <*> or more lines
X  ro			| readonly - the file is not to be changed
X*** 414,421 ****
X  warn			| warn you when you try to quit without writing
X  wi=<*>			| window - the number of lines vi is to show default
X  wm=<*>			| wrapmargin - when in append mode vi automatically
X! 			| puts a <lf> whenever there is a breakpoint (e.g. <sp>
X! 			| or ',') within <wm> columns from the right margin
X  ws			| wrapscan - when searching, the end is considered
X  			| 'stuck' to the begin of the file
X--- 448,455 ----
X  warn			| warn you when you try to quit without writing
X  wi=<*>			| window - the number of lines vi is to show default
X  wm=<*>			| wrapmargin - when in append mode vi automatically
X! 			| puts a <lf> whenever there is a <sp> or <ht> within
X! 			| <wm> columns from the right margin
X  ws			| wrapscan - when searching, the end is considered
X  			| 'stuck' to the begin of the file
X*** 426,428 ****
X--- 460,471 ----
X  :set option?		| show an option's value
X  :set all		| show all options and their values
X+ /////////////////
X+ / contributions /
X+ /////////////////
X+ Maarten Litmaath <maart at>
X+ Rich Salz <rsalz at>
X+ Eamonn McManus <emcmanus at>
X+ Patchlevel: 3
+ END-OF-FILE vi.ref.diff
chmod 'u=rw,g=r,o=r' 'vi.ref.diff'
set `wc -c 'vi.ref.diff'`
case $count in
9325)	:;;
*)	echo 'Bad character count in ''vi.ref.diff' >&2
		echo 'Count should be 9325' >&2
exit 0
"rot H - dD/dt = J, div D = rho, div B = 0, |Maarten Litmaath @ VU Amsterdam:
  rot E + dB/dt = 0" and there was light.   |maart at, mcvax!botter!maart

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