Weather Radars Modem Info

Doug Blair blair at obdient.CHI.IL.US
Wed Aug 16 22:01:18 AEST 1989

A friend with a small radio station in northern Michigan wants to be
able to dial up and look at the displays from nearby US weather radars
in times of storm emergencies.  He says that he has heard that there
are publically accessable modems at these sites which will dump this
information to whoever calls.  I assume that some interpretive program
is necessary on the receiving end.

Does anyone have information on how to retreive information from the
weather radar sites?  There is a <small> budget to work with...

Please respond via email to obdient!blair, I'll post a summary to
the net if there is sufficient interest.

 ___  _           _  _             _    
|   || |_  ___  _| ||_| ___  __  _| |_  Doug Blair    Obedient Software Corp.
| | ||  .\/ ._\/.  || |/ ._\|  \|_   _| 1007 Naperville Rd, Wheaton IL  60187 
|___||___/\___/\___||_|\___/|_|_| |_|   obdient!blair blair at

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