Setting up a public access system (help!)

Joshua Osborne stripes at
Sat Dec 30 05:45:04 AEST 1989

In article <3526 at qiclab.UUCP> jamesd at qiclab.UUCP (James Deibele) writes:
[stuf deleted]
>  Is there a way of customizing
>rn (or another reader) so that an individual could be assigned increasingly
>more power as they grow accustomed to netiquette? (Read local, read + write
>local, read world, read + write world).
rn uses a shell script called Pnews to post.  It has info on the distribution
(usa, na, local, md, dc, whatever), and newsgroup the original article had.
You could add any sort of checking (number of logins, days since account
was opened, name in a speical file) you wanted.
(I don't know if theis is the best way, but it seems like it would work!)
           stripes at          "Security for Unix is like
      Josh_Osborne at Real_World,The          Mutitasking for MS-DOS"
      "The dyslexic porgramer"                  - Kevin Lockwood

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