Academic workstations -- Followups to comp.unix.questions ONLY

Todd heberlei at
Tue Jun 13 01:45:57 AEST 1989

In article <32705 at bu-cs.BU.EDU> bzs at bu-cs.BU.EDU (Barry Shein) writes:
[stuff deleted]
>However, I will agree that blaming it on the diskless workstations is
>a wonderful alibi, the yokels believe you and rarely ask you to
>actually do your job and find out what's really causing the problem.
>It's the diskless workstations, it's the diskless workstations (we
>know those diskless workstation users will never buy the local disks
>you recommend so it's a safe bet to blame it on them.)
[stuff deleted]
>	-Barry Shein
>Software Tool & Die, Purveyors to the Trade
>1330 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02146, (617) 739-0202

I have been doing traffic analysis, and it is our diskless
workstations which are pulling down our network.  Our network
throughput is starting to drop because of the high collision rate,

I work in a reasearch environment (and the two other places that I
have checked were research environments), so we have lots and lots of
workstations with lots of users pushing the workstations pretty hard.
If you have only a small isolated lab (or one connected to a larger
network by a bridge (not simply a repeater)), diskless stations may be
a better buy.

(The poor poster who started this thread probably has given up on
getting his original question answered)

Todd Heberlein

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