To curse or not to curse

Mike Hoffman mhoffman at infocenter.UUCP
Fri Jun 9 23:56:11 AEST 1989

in article <1cIi02Ph32aV01 at>, kucharsk at (William Kucharski) says:
> Here's a program which demonstrates one way of doing things:
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <termio.h>
> main()
> {
>         int     a,c;
>         char    ch[BUF];
>         struct termio o,t;
> 	if (ioctl(0, TCGETA, &o))
> 		perror("ioctl: get");
>         t = o;
>         t.c_lflag = 0;		/* shut off everything */
>         t.c_cc[VEOF] = 1;	/* MIN chars == 1 */
>            [rest of code deleted...]

This works OK on every system I've worked on, but I understand that
some unfortunate souls must work without the benefits of structure
assignment. To make the code more portable for those systems
without, a #define statement could indicate this capability:

          . . . 

        t = o;                   /* copy structure in one swell foop */
        t.c_iflag  = o.c_iflag;  /* copy element by element. . . */
        t.c_oflag  = o.c_oflag;
        t.c_cflag  = o.c_cflag;
        t.c_lflag  = 0;          /* inserting the desired changes */
        t.c_line   = o.c_line;
        *      = *;[VEOF] = 1;
          . . . [rest of code]

Michael J. Hoffman                                   Voice: (407)255-8116
Manufacturing Engineering                              FAX: (407)255-8186
Encore Computer Corporation                          Email: mhoffman
                                                    USnail: 100 N. Babcock St.
UUCP: {uunet,codas!novavax,sun,pur-ee}!gould!mhoffman       Melbourne, Fl 32935
"My opinions are my own and are not to be employed with those of my confuser."

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