unix: Re: Meaning of foo and bar

pm4062ms at tecnet-clemson.arpa pm4062ms at tecnet-clemson.arpa
Wed Jun 21 02:18:57 AEST 1989

Consider these three acronymic comments on the human condition:

SNAFU --  Situation Normal, All F***ed Up.

JANFU --  Joint Army-Navy F*** Up.

FUBAR --  F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition.

I believe 'foo' and 'bar' simply are syllables from the last one.

Mark Schaeffer                  |  "If genius were more often found in
pm4062ms at tecnet-clemson.arpa    |   grey than bright colors, the world
                                |   would be ruled by elephants and mice."
                                |         -- Kent D. Hartman

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