Vi question

Isidore Rigoutsos rigoutso at ACF8.NYU.EDU
Wed Jun 14 05:28:15 AEST 1989

Hello everyone.
I have a vi question: whenever I execute a shell command from within vi,
(say 'fmt'), I get right before the point where the cursor was when I
executed the command a sequence of control characters, namely: ^[K
(Notice that this happens only on a SUN workstation and not on a VAX)
Where does this sequence come from and How can I get rid of it?
Thanks in advance,


Isidore Rigoutsos 			   |INTERNET: rigoutso at
Robotics Lab., Computer Science Department,|BITNET: rigoutso%acf8 at UCCVM.NYU.EDU
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,|   or rigoutso%acf8 at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
New York University, New York, NY 10012    |

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