Is nroff part of UNIX package?

Usenet News usenet at tons61.UUCP
Fri Sep 22 15:00:50 AEST 1989

funk at writes:
-On our SYS V Rel 2  UNIX, we had nroff/troff
-Now, on Release 3, we do not have it.  Our vendor says that it really
-wasn't part of UNIX, that it was part of Documentor's Workbench, and that we'd 
-gotten a freebie before that they don't have to give now.
-Is this for Real???

jeenglis at (Joe English) writes:
-I guess so.  A good deal for AT&T; the Documenters Workbench costs bucks.  
-Plus, no nroff --- no online man pages (also not included in SYSV) -- more 
-people who can't easily RTFM and thus have to post to the net --- longer 
-phone calls for uucp traffic --> AT&T wins again...

We have experienced the problem with our CCI Version of Unix.  NO NROFF 
**AARRRGGHHH!**  All the systems I have worked on (except for SCO) had 
nroff available. I guess AT&T and the powers that be feel that it's the 
next closest thing we'll get to a word processor. 

What I don't understand is when a company sells an office automation system
that includes a word processor, and they also sell the UNIX for the machine,
why can't they include nroff / "Documenters Workbench" as part of that
package / "migration" ? (office automation package) Oh well, no BIG deal
I guess... :-)  I think any Unix OS should have at least a basic version of
NROFF, even if it is hard coded with -man options.  At least we can produce
man pages...

Bless CCI/ICL's soul, they seem to include the man pages when you purchase
the 'C' Compiler but since I'm not the one who got the purchase order, I
could be wrong.

Meanwhile back at the ranch...I have to e-mail/uucp any nroff documents to
some sites I have access to in order to format them and then send it back to 

Oh well...

"If money is the root of all Evil, then does that explain why there are 
demons in Unix?" 8-) 8-)

BTW: anyone have sources to the MS/PC-DOS version of ROFF or NROFF ?  I
have the binaries but don't have a time for a good debug session. 8-]
Could port it to Unix....worse things have happened...8-]

Harry Skelton - harrys at tons61, guardian at ugh

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