Roles for mainframe unix and UTS vs. AIX/370 questions

Kenneth J. Heeres KJH%APLVM.BITNET at
Sat Sep 30 09:26:44 AEST 1989

We had UTS installed at our system and have removed it.  We are very much
interested in mainframe UNIX but see it in a role as server (file, database,
compute, etc).  UTS had very poor network support and good 3270 terminal
support.  UTS/580 appears to be much better at network support.  AIX has no
3270 terminal support but it does appear to have good network support.  We
would love to have either AIX/370 or UTS/580 in house.  Unfortunately the
fees are too much for us to justify.  We are going to experiment  with
TCP/IP under MVS and VM instead.  I would be very interested in any
comments you get back.

                      Kenneth J. Heeres
                      The Johns Hopkins University
                      Applied Physics Laboratory

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