novice question on imake setup files

Manoj Srivastava srivasta at
Wed Apr 11 10:39:13 AEST 1990

	I am  trying to set  up imake on  my machine, but  the sources
 that I have did not come with  any documentation beyond the man page,
 and that is not too informative about how to  set up the basic files.
 I would appreciate any pointers  to any documentation, or  an example
 of  Imake.template and  site.def files.  Please  send me email, as  I
 don't read this newsgroup very frequently.

	Thanks in advance,
Manoj Srivastava|Internet:                       | Ph: 
Deptt. of ECE,  |   srivasta at|(413) 549-6821 (res)     
Umass Amherst   |Bitnet  : srivasta at umass.bitnet |(413) 545-3661 (o)       
MA 01003        |                 srivasta at umaecs|(413) 545-0715 (msg)     

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