at and gid

Greg Strockbine gregs at
Sat Feb 17 16:42:06 AEST 1990

I've got this problem with at and accessing files.
I use at to fire up a script that does an sccs get.
I get an error message about unreadable files. It 
looks like the problem comes down to this:
	- at grabs my uid and gid which = users.
	- but I belong to 2 other groups.
	- the SCCS files 'at' is trying to access are owned
	  by sccs and the gid = team.
	- the only way I see around it is to allow 'others'
	  read-write permission.
Any body got any ideas? Our system is a vax 6420 running
Ultrix-32 V3.1B.
	thnx, Greg Strockbine, Dataproducts, Ca.

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