ld -r (or cc -r)

Richard Goerwitz goer at sophist.uucp
Sun Feb 11 07:28:27 AEST 1990

The subject line says it all.  I'm having trouble locating
information on precisely how one uses the incremental linker
to produce relocatable object modules, and on what use this
might be.  Please don't be tempted to read more depth into
this question than there is (although I would not mind if
someone jumped in with some pointers on user-created lib-
raries for people like me who have not had much occasion to
create them).

   -Richard L. Goerwitz              goer%sophist at uchicago.bitnet
   goer at sophist.uchicago.edu         rutgers!oddjob!gide!sophist!goer

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