Kim Shearer kim at wacsvax.OZ
Tue Feb 20 13:50:45 AEST 1990

tmcclory at (Tom McClory) writes:

>Are there any good tutorials available on using Curses, particularly
>using the multiple windows to implement pop up windows, pull down
>menus, cascading menus, scrollable lists, and all the other nifty
>user interface kinds of things that are the current rage.  Source code
>or tutorial articles would be a great help.

>For that matter, are there any "toolkits" available that would let 
>me build up a user interface with these kinds of features
>w/o reinventing a lot of wheels?

 Any information on this type of "toolkit" would 
be greatly appreciated.

Kim Shearer                      |     ARPA: kim%wacsvax.uwa.oz at
Dept. of Computer Science        |     UUCP: ..!uunet!munnari!wacsvax!kim
University of Western Australia  |     ACSnet: kim at wacsvax.uwa.oz       
CRAWLEY, Australia 6009          |     PHONE:  +61 9 380 3452 

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