AWK field seperator question

Larry Starr,Mezzanine,46971,5638828 starr at mrsvr.UUCP
Fri Feb 16 07:01:50 AEST 1990

>From article <"900215154914.75046.606.CHD39-1"@CompuServe.COM>, by 75046.606 at CompuServe.COM (Larry W. Virden):
> I have an awk question.  I am using SunOS 4.0.2 on a Sun 386i.
> I want to , within a particular pattern { action }, reset the
> Field Seperator, process the current record, then set the FS back
> to the default action.
> [ stuff about previous attempts deleted ]

Why not try something straight forward ( and supported )

	n = split($0,x,"\"")
	print x[2]

This splits the input record around the quote into aray x
you might want to check n to see how many fields resulted

The FS variable is used when awk reads the record so the
result of your first attempt is to set FS for the next
record ( not the current one).

-L. Starr
Larry Starr
MR Research Facility
G.E. Medical Systems

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