Which is more efficient...

Paul D. Anderson pda at stiatl.UUCP
Wed Feb 21 04:48:33 AEST 1990

Which is more efficient (ie: cheaper and faster) in a program?
 - to chdir("/path") and then unlink("file") for each file in the 
 - to explicity unlink("/path/file") for dozens of files in each 
And does the recommended method used vary based on Sys V or BSD 4.2/3  ??

I will be removing hundreds of files in hundreds of directories
at a shot with this approach.

Please E-Mail to me and I will summarize and re-post.
Paul Anderson * h:404-565-0761 w:841-4000
{mathcs.emory,gatech}.edu!stiatl!pda  ||  pda at SalesTech.Com

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