reading messages

mwood!attcc!hpn at mwood!attcc!hpn at
Wed Jan 10 19:51:26 AEST 1990

How do I tell the listserver to send me messages that are posted instead of
sending me the Digests?

Also a nice feature to see on this LISTSERV group is something like wwhat
the LISTSERV at pucc.bitnet has for the Color Computer list, the ability to
reply to someone e-mail.  For example, if say John Doe posts a message to 
COCO at pucc.bitnet, and if I reply, it'll go straight to him instead of everyone
else on the list.  And if I want to reply and let everybody else see it, I can
send it to info-unix at

Huy Nguyen
mwood!attcc!hpn at

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