Printed copies of Usenet Software manuals

Conor P. Cahill cpcahil at virtech.uucp
Sat Jan 13 09:36:42 AEST 1990

This is a followup post to my original posting about printing Usenet manuals.
Many people interpreted my posting as saying that each of the listed manuals
would be printed and would cost arount $10.00.  That is not correct.  I will
be printing a single reference manual that will include all of the following

Manual 1: The user's/programmer's reference Manual (416 pages)

 1. Introduction and permuted index (16 pages)

 2. The following manual pages: (400 pages)
    a2p.1         cpr.1         listalias.1   perl.1        rnmail.1
    afio.1        diffc.1       matches.1     pnews.1       rz.1
    answer.1      diskhog.1     mcc.1         postnews.1    s2p.1
    autoreply.1   dviselect.1   merge.1       printmail.1   sz.1
    btoa.1        elm.1         messages.1    rcs-intro.1   texi2roff.1
    bytesplit.1   fastmail.1    minirb.1      rcs.1         undump.1
    cdecl.1       filter.1      modem_break.1 rcsclean.1    vnews.1
    cfman.1       frm.1         mush.1        rcsdiff.1     waitfor.1
    checkalias.1  gcc.1         newalias.1    rcsfreeze.1   which.1
    checknews.1   grep.1        newmail.1     rcsmerge.1    wnewmail.1
    ci.1          ident.1       newsetup.1    readmsg.1     zcmp.1
    co.1          inews.1       newsgroups.1  readnews.1    zless.1
    compress.1    less.1        patch.1       rlog.1        zmore.1
    compressdir.1 lesskey.1     pcomm.1       rn.1
    ftw.3        getdate.3    scanargs.3   scandir.3
    news-b.5    news.5      newsrc.5    rcsfile.5
    dcheck.8      inews.8       nohog.8       recnews.8     sendnews.8
    expire-b.8    newsaux.8     pathalias.8   relaynews.8   uurec.8
    expire.8      newsbatch.8   pexpire-b.8   rnews.8
    fsanalyze.8   newsmail.8    pexpire.8     sendbatch.8

Manual 2: The user's/programmer's reference guide (596 pages)
 1. B News: Copyright, How To Read the Network News, Installation guide,
 	    How to use Usenet Effectively,  Usenet Messages standard
 2. C News: Installation, The Interface Between C News and the Outside
 3. Elm:    User guide, Reference guide, Config guide, Alias Users guide,
 	    Filter System guide, Forms Mode Guide
 4. GNU:    gnu-cpp, gnu-cc, gnu-gdb, gnu-make gnu-tar
 5. Pcomm:  Pcomm Reference Manual
 6. RCS:    Design paper, Functions of RCS

This was all printed using eroff (a third party DWB package for 386/ix that
includes HPlaserjet and postscript support) on a Panasonic Laser Partner.
I have spent about 60 hours (and a full box of paper) going over all the
documentation to ensure that it formatted correctly for the reduced size

So now for the bad news:  

My original estimate was for 200 pages on 20lb paper.  What we are getting
is 1000 pages (printed on both sides, so it's only 500 leafs) on 60 lb paper
holed for three ring binders, tabs for each of the major sections, shrink
wrap and boxing.

Anyway the pricing is based upon the following:

	$6,500 	200 copies of 1,000 pages shrink wrapped.
	   400  200 sets of tabs (10 tabs in a set).
	   200  200 Shipping boxes
	$7,100  Total  

Which works out to $35.50 per copy + shipping.  (Virginia residents must
add $1.60 (35.50 * 4.5%) sales tax).

NOTE that this price is for the manual set without any binders and without
a slipcase.  The slip cases would have added $25.00 to each set. 

Shipping costs are as follows:

	Continental US:		 5.50	total of: 41.00 (42.06 in Va)
	Hawaii,Alaska,Canada:	11.00	total of: 46.50

Since I don't know anything about exporting, nor about shipping
overseas this offer is only valid for US and Canadian addresses. 
Payments must be in US dollars.

To order a copy:

	Send a check, money order, cashiers check (last 2 preferred) to:

		Virtual Technologies Inc.
		P. O. Box 876
		Sterling VA 22170.

	Make sure you include the following:

		1. the check/money order made out to Virtual Technologies
		2. Your street address (UPS will not deliver to a pobox)
		3. Your uucp mail address in case I need to get in touch
		   with you.

Turn around time will be approx 1 week.

| Conor P. Cahill     uunet!virtech!cpcahil      	703-430-9247	!
| Virtual Technologies Inc.,    P. O. Box 876,   Sterling, VA 22170     |

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