Abnormal Cron Behavior -- very strange.

Meek kmeek at cti1.UUCP
Tue Jun 5 04:52:54 AEST 1990

Our cron seems to be acting a little strange:

When we do a crontab -l it lists all the entries that we have queued up
using the crontab command.  But according to the log only some of them are
being executed.

Another strange thing is when we try to restart the cron after it is already
running it comes back with the following message:

! cannot start cron; FIFO exists Wed Dec 31 19:00:09 1969
! ******* CRON ABORTED ******** Wed Dec 31 19:00:09 1969

Notice the date -- 1969!  this is definitely not correct and does not
correspond to the system time or the time stamp of the /usr/lib/cron/FIFO
file which looks like this:

prw-------   1 root     other          0 Jun  1 14:04 /usr/lib/cron/FIFO

We are running AT&T System V 3.2.2 on a 3B2/600G if that helps.

Please Email any suggestions or ideas to me and I will summarize.


Kevin Meek
Comprehensive Technologies Int'l Inc.
2121 Crystal Drive   Suite #103
Arlington,  VA  22202
uunet!cit1!kmeek  OR cti1!kmeek at uunet.uu.net

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