Zombie processes ,how to find?

Boyd Roberts boyd at necisa.ho.necisa.oz
Wed Jun 27 09:49:41 AEST 1990

In article <1990Jun25.125915.19895 at virtech.uucp> cpcahil at virtech.UUCP (Conor P. Cahill) writes:
>In article <1990Jun22.221815.2087 at cbnewsm.att.com> jeffj at cbnewsm.att.com (jeffrey.n.jones) writes:
>>I was wondering how to find a zombie process. Will ps -elf show it?

Yes.  The state field will contain a `Z'.

>>I am sure we don't have any running but how would one
>>find it and then eliminate it (kill?). Thanks for any help! I'll be more
>You can't eliminate it.  A zombie process, by definition, is just an 
>entry in the process table that contains timing and status information for
>a process that has exited, but whose parent hasn't yet waited on it.

Hmm.  It also contains its process ID and it's parent's process ID.

Processes in UNIX are referenced by their process ID, and never by
their `name'.  Maintain a table of processes you started and save
their process ID, for later use.

Boyd Roberts			boyd at necisa.ho.necisa.oz.au

``When the going gets wierd, the weird turn pro...''

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