Detached process saver

Source Admin src at scuzzy.uucp
Sat Jun 9 22:40:17 AEST 1990

jvb7u at astsun.astro.Virginia.EDU (Jon Brinkmann) writes:
>I'm looking for a daemon that periodically checks for user's detached processes
>and saves (i.e., dumps a copy of core) to the disk in a temporary file.  If the
>system crashes or is shut down, it restores the last copy as a running detached
>process belonging to the appropriate user upon reboot.  Ideally, a single program
>would handle both phases of this process.  On startup, it checks for copies in
>a specific directory and restores them to running condition and then goes on
>to do the periodic core copy.
>Can anyone help or point me in the right direction?

sure is: you'll need to make executables out of those core files. for that
you can use 'undump', it's included in the tex distribution. note, however, that
you can only undump cores from prgms that have NOT been stripped.

Heiko Blume		blume at scuzzy.UUCP	FAX   (+49 30) 882 50 65
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