Summary of responses to file allocation, plea for changes in Unix

Shu-Wie F Chen swfc at
Sat Jun 30 01:04:25 AEST 1990

In article <6883 at scolex.sco.COM>, seanf at sco.COM (Sean Fagan) writes:
|>In article <2387 at>
karl-d at (Doug Karl) writes:
|>>  I am in desperate need to allocate a Unix (BSD 4.3, SUN/OS, System V,
|>>  and NeXT/Mach) file prior to using it.  By "allocate" I mean that all of
|>>  the blocks in the file (10's of megabytes long) should be reserved to that
|>>  file instantly).
|>[and lots of other stuff]
|>If you really need it, did you ever consider, before you started collecting,
|>writing an extremely large file (you can write 0's, if you want)?  That
|>would accomplish your purpose, although be a bit wasteful.
|>Your situation doesn't work very well with UNIX anyway, since unix likes to
|>have copies of parts of files in memory, and your trick of just writing to
|>the disk could very well cause stuff to be lost.

I don't understand this statement.


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