Select function on a specific Driver

israel israel at
Wed Mar 14 02:18:07 AEST 1990

I'm working on a map telecom stack on ISC 2.0.2 and I have the
following problem :

	Select application function doesn't exist and it is supply by
	Poll function.
	The activation of my driver must be done by the poll driver function
	which is named MADpoll. The documentation is very poor on this subject
	and I would appreciate any help from the net...

	Another problem is to wake up the waiting process (on SPIX system
	it is called by selwakeup function which receives two parameters :
	a pointer on the proc structure of the user process
	and collision) Is there an equivalent on Interactive system ?

I'll submit a summary of the answers (Please Answer !!!).

israel at   -or-   {uunet,decvax}!inria!bull!ecbull!israel
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          Centre UNIX de Bull SA
          1, Rue de Provence
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