LEX references

Mark Runyan runyan at hpcuhc.HP.COM
Sat Mar 24 05:08:41 AEST 1990

>/ pat at grebyn.com (Pat Bahn) /  1:19 pm  Mar 22, 1990 /
>Does anyone know of good refernces to using LEX.  THanks.

"Learning about LEX", by David Fox, Computer Languages, 2/87, p51-56.

"Lex - A power tool for text", Lowell Arthur, UNIXWORLD, 8/87, p75-81.

_Principles_of_Compiler_Design_, A. Aho and J. Ullman, Addison-Wesley Pub.,
  copyright 1977, ISBN 0-201-00022-9  (pp 103-117)

Mark Runyan

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