386/ix and tape streamer

Brando W. Brown brando at uiucme2.me.uiuc.edu
Mon Mar 26 08:22:36 AEST 1990

In article <340515 at neabbs.UUCP> ppel at neabbs.UUCP (PETER PELLEMANS) writes:
>I have a problem installing a tape streamer, which according Interactive
>Systems in the UK should work. The actual installation goes without any
>problems, but after building a new kernel, UNIX gets stuck while trying to
>The situation is:
>       UNIX 386/ix version 2.0.2
>       Tape streamer ARCHIVE VIPER VP60i
>       Controller SC402, type QIC-02
>The menu in kconfig gives only one option, i.e. Wangtek. So what should we
>do in order to install the above streamer.

In the 386/ix Operating System Release Notes pages 2 and 3 describe the 
procedure for installing a SCSI tape drive such as the Archive 2060,2125,2150
of which I have the 2150. By following the installation instructions you
add three lines to a new file called "tape" in /etc/conf/node.d, use kconfig
under High performance disk driver (item # 7) and follow the Y/N prompts 
including the SCSI tape. Then make a new kernel and reboot.

Hope this helps.


|   Brandon Brown                    Internet:   brando at uiucme.me.uiuc.edu   |
|   Addamax Corporation              UUCP:       uunet!uiucuxc!addamax!brown |
|   2009 Fox Drive                   GEnie:      xmg23356 macbrando          |
|   Champaign, IL  61820             CompuServe: 73040,447                   |

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