Know of a networking course?

D. Gumkowski gumkowsk at
Tue Mar 6 06:53:29 AEST 1990

Currently we are trying to enhance our network set-up from our current
      one machine <----> Internet
      many machines <----> local ethernet <----> one machine <----> Internet

In the course of doing so we have asked others for example configuration
files as they apply to a Berkeley UNIX 4.3 system using "named".  Though
we have extrapolated information from these files as well as looking through
code, we really are far from being experts in the networking arena.

The question we have is:  Does anyone know of a (1 week variety) course,
seminar, or paper that deals explicitly with networking as it applies
to someone on a Berkeley UNIX system (named/gated/sendmail)?  Hopefully
such a course/seminar/paper would include discussions of Packet Switching
Nodes, mailbridges, name resolvers, and basic protocols.

 Dave Gumkowski <gumkowsk at>   <---The domain change is another matter

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