xroff: what's available for it...

Ken Staggers kes3200 at sjfc.UUCP
Wed Mar 7 13:10:47 AEST 1990


  Here at Fisher we (the lab assistants) are learning more and more about
xroff.  Its been resume time, and we have been using tbl and xroff to
create them.  We have also been designing a work schedule using
tbl and xroff (can you center a word in a grid box or shade it?).

  Anyway, I think our former sys manager got xroff off the net...and it
works nicely with our dec ln03 plus.  Thus, is there a place where we can
get more fonts (we only have roman, italics, bold, and sans serif) and more
prewritten macros.  Also, is there a way to import scanned images onto an
xroffed document, and what form should it be in (TIF, GIF...and should it
be kermitted with the 'set file type binary'?).  If there is an ftp site
let me know ASAP by e-mail.



p.s. Could someone recommend a book for xroff, pic, eqn, and tbl that is
     easy to understand and is useful.

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