Odd Terminal Behavior

Dan Mercer mercer at npdiss1.StPaul.NCR.COM
Tue Nov 20 05:48:31 AEST 1990

In article <3527 at ssc-bee.ssc-vax.UUCP> maa at ssc-vax.UUCP (Mark A Allyn) writes:
:I am having wierd terminal behavior when I am using my terminal and modem
:and trying to use VI. Here is the set up:
:1. Terminal is a Tandy DT100 which emulates a VT100.
:2. Modem is a DSI 9624le running at 2400 baud.
:3. Modem at host machine is unknown but is capable of up to 2400
:   baud.
:4. Host machine is a VAX780 running BSD4.3
:5. I telnet to another host machine (this being a Sun Sparc 1+ running
:   SunOs 4.01). Note that I can only use telnet since the Sun's host
:   name and address is not in the host table in the VAX and rlogin 
:   expects a host name and not a decimimal notation of an Internet
:   address.
:6. Once on the Sun, I do the following.
:  a. setenv TERM vt100
:  b. stty 2400
:  c. stty cols 80
:  d. stty rows 24
:7. I attempt to run VI or do anything else.
:I think that the terminal is either getting spurous characters or there
:is no control of the speed of the output of the VI or other session that
:I am running. I would think that the stty 2400 should take care of that
:but it appears not to. Is there something else that I have to do in order
:to ensure that the buffering between the application and the terminal
:is not being overloaded?
:Mark A. Allyn  phone    206-477-2937 (day)  206-526-8852 (nite)
:               US Mail  Boeing Company
:                        Mail Stop 8Y-03
:			P.O. Box 3999
:			Seattle Wa. 98124
:               Email    uw-beaver!ssc-vax!ssc-bee!maa
:	       Ham      WA1SEY
:	       Radio

Tou don't really explain what the problem is that you are having,  so
it's very difficult to offer any help.  It is possible that your
terminal prints nulls as spaces,  which will really screw up your
terminal on a telnetted vi session.  (Telnet will use NULs with
carriage returns for some screwy reason I forget - someone who sleeps
with RFC's under his pillow will,  I'm sure,  fill us in).  I have a
PC running NANSI.SYS logged into an NCR Tower running both Token Ring
and TCP/IP.  Since the Token Ring nlogin program uses the PC's native
terminal capabilities (ie ANIS.SY or NANSI.SYS) we get this problem.
The solution we found was to eliminate,  as much as possible,  vi's
use of carriage return by defining cr=\E[80D.  Someone suggested that
it was telnet's fault for not stripping out the NULs.
Dan Mercer
NCR Network Products Division      -        Network Integration Services
Reply-To: mercer at npdiss1.StPaul.NCR.COM (Dan Mercer)
"MAN - the only one word oxymoron in the English Language"

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