Unix system administrator's Bible

Liam Breck breck at star.ecs.umass.edu
Thu Nov 29 05:01:14 AEST 1990

I posted a question asking for a System Administrator's Bible a while
back.  I received many replies, but only one answer.
[Drum roll]
And the winner is! ...  
[Crash of symbols, er, cymbals]

The _Unix System Administration Handbook_
[loud cheers]

Library of Congress Data:

   Unix System Administration Handbook / Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder,
      Scott SeeBass.
   Includes index.
   ISBN 0-13-933441-6
   1. UNIX (computer operating system) I. Snyder, Garth.
   II. SeeBass, Scott. III. Title.
   QA76.76.063N45 1989

Published by Prentice-Hall.

One fellow also sent me an exhaustive listing of Unix and C texts.
He said that he posts it periodically to the net.

--Liam Breck

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