How can I stty sev. modes within tcsh

Michael Utech mik at
Tue Nov 27 16:21:40 AEST 1990


Can somebody tell me, how I can set several stty modes in tcsh.
The problem is that I use the machine from a normal terminal where
the stty switches work fine and from a DATEX-P line where they don't
The TTY SANITY is going to make me very angry, because I cannot turn
it off (I don't know how). (GRRRRRR).

By the way: entering the machine via telnet from another host
 (Atari ST -> DATEX-P -> UNIX -> UNIX) requires me to enter a return
 at steveral situations where I would not have to do normaly.
 (Now it's the time to excuse me for my bad english:-)
 for example in all editors and more. This makes the screen look
 very drunken.

And still there is another problem: (I hope it's not too much)
 via DATEX-P it's impossible for kermit zmodem etc. to work.
 ther may be some controlsequences used by kermit and DATEX-P.
 Is ther a protocol available for Atari-ST and UNIX that is
 able to handle with this s...

bye and thank you in advance

Michael (utech at

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